1. Who will teach us Matroswimming™?
Which will be the parents´ role?
Is our pediatrician´s opinion important?
What is Pre-natal Matroswimming?
What is Baby-Fitness?
Why do we say that “Swimming is learnt by playing™”?
Is this a lifelong learning?
When do children swim with style?
Do baby swimmers develop their intelligence better?
Does an active life increase immunologic reserves?
Why does Matroswimming ™ improve feeding and sleeping
Will Matroswimming™ prevent our child from suffering
Will our child share classes with other children?
Why is the School for the exclusive use of babies and their
To get further info….
will teach us Matroswimming™? |
belonging to the First Argentine Swim School for Babies
staff are graduates from the I.S.E.F.I. All of them have
a broad background acquired in our School and they have
made the post-graduate career on Matroswimming Specialization
and Infant Aquatic Education with official degree.
will be the parents´ role? |
will transmit the joy and confidence to their children allowing
them to play in the water. Games will require parents´
active participation and they will enjoy classes as much
as their children and will learn the main Aquatic Safety
Standards by practicing them every weekly class.
the pediatrician´s opinion important? |
pediatrician knows the baby better than anyone else; therefore
he or she is the only one able to decide when each child
is ready to start Matroswimming classes. In general, the
pediatrician´s certification and the vaccination plan
up to date are enough for the baby (from 15 days old onwards)
to start. Once a month the pediatrician´s certificate
will be renewed and presented to the School Medical Department
which will be in charge of parents´ control for them
to enter the pool.
people in good health condition are able to take a Matroswimming™
class, that’s why there is no risk of infectious or
contagious disease.
is Pre-natal Matroswimming? |
is a program designed for aquatic pre-natal preparation
and which can be taken jointly with traditional courses.
The expecting mom can start as from the third month onwards
with the previous obstetrician’s authorization.
include information and support to see to typical expectations,
fears and fantasies during pregnancy.
each weekly class they will work especially on concentration,
breathing and relaxation, while practicing exercises for
the muscles in general and particularly for the perineum,
bearing in mind the delivery effort and mother’s recovery
after childbirth.
parents are advised on the early interaction with the newly
born baby.
is baby-fitness? |
It is an integrated program that includes Baby Gym (Bebé
Gym™) and Matroswimming™. Baby Gym is designed
for mother’s exercise to restore her psycho-physical
welfare while furnishing her child with sensory and motor
stimulation through gym bodily games aimed at a sane and
happy growth and development.
is it said that “Swimming is learnt by playing™”? |
presence, singing, parents´ firm and trusted holding,
sharing the class with other babies and warm and clear water
enclosure during each family meeting, when the family can
play without pressure, are characteristic of these meetings
that make Matroswimming™ a happy exchange during which
it is proved that babies are capable of swimming.
this a life-long learning? |
Matroswimming™, babies learn, class after class, skills
that they will never forget. In little longer than a month,
they will acquire breathing control under water, a vital
factor in case of accident for his or her own benefit. As
it is known, riding a bike or a horse, skating and swimming
is learnt once and forever.
do children swim with style? |
babies, when 5 years old, are capable of swimming reasonable
distances and practicing self-care routines. Dad and Mom,
however, will assume full responsibility during their whole
childhood for their safety and survival.
swimmer babies develop their intelligence better? |
research has uncovered the important role of games and motor
activities as from birth in order to improve brain growth
and intelligent associations. Early start of aquatic sports
fosters coordination and balance. Swimming experience helps
children to be braver and more prudent; since they know
more accurately their own limits, the aquatic environment
and that the presence of adult people to supervise them
is a must if they are to enjoy pool activities.
an active life increase immunologic reserves? |
games will increase at present and in the future children’s
immunologic reserves and they will be stronger to defend
themselves against infections and environment aggressions.
Every organism and organic functions will benefit from early
Matroswimming™ practice.
does Matroswimming™ improve feeding and sleeping habits? |
need to display their energy and it will not be enough to
remain in somebody’s arms or playing in their beds.
Infant learning potential is extraordinary and must be taken
advantage of since early development. Matroswimming™
is one of these resources to enhance feeding and sleeping.
Matroswimming™ prevent our child from suffering accidents? |
is undoubtedly so. As form the first class, the whole family
will start learning, through safe water games, care rules,
how to avoid risky behaviour, holding techniques, supervising
babies and young children near and inside water and how
to react in case of unexpected plunges.
It must be remembered that unforeseen or unknown events
give way to panic, so in order to avoid this, within an
affective context and with professional effective assistance,
babies learn not to swallow or breathe water, to seek for
the surface to float and to stay calm until being rescued.
our child share the classes with other children? |
of Matroswimming™ benefits is to promote child´s
early socialization accompanied by his or her parents in
order to pave the way for kindergarten adaptation without
need of any other step. Babies recognize their pool friends
by sharing weekly sessions while increasing their self-confidence
and trust in the others.
is the School for the exclusive use of babies and their parents? |
facilities design, construction and equipment has been made
according to hygienic, safety and comfort standards and
criteria for the sole use of babies and their parents.
Besides, child control is made by the pediatrician
while parents control is made by the School Medical Department.
Hygiene rules are strictly observed and bleach is used in
every room: reception, wardrobe, changing room, sanitary
facilities, shower rooms, pool and hair-drying room. Temperature
is appropriate within and outside the pool area, and pool
water is continuously filtered and bacteriologic analyses
are made on a weekly basis to test water purity.
addition, families attending classes at the First Argentine
Swim School for Babies commit themselves to respect the
Internal Regulations in order to guaranty the best care
of the environment designed for their own use.
get further info… |
us from Tuesdays to Fridays from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm and
from 3.00 pm to 7.30 pm and Saturdays from 9.30 am to 1.00
pm. Telephone: 4785-565 and 4783-3976 at Soldado de la Independencia
1352 (C1426BTT) City of Buenos Aires.
Web page: www.matronatacion.com.ar
E-mail: matronatacion@gmail.com